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Name (Last, First, MI):
Date of Birth:
Age (as of Sept 1, 2024):
Address (Street):
Home Phone:
School attending in fall:
Grade in fall:
Motherโs Name:
Motherโs Cell Phone:
Motherโs Email:
Fatherโs Name:
Fatherโs Cell Phone:
Fatherโs Email:
Physical Defects (If Any):
Have you previously played as a Mustang? If yes, check all that apply. YesNo
2024 Football24-25 Lucky Shoals Basketball
Parentโs Name & Phone Number:
What is the athleteโs name?
Studentโs date of birth?
Studentโs phone number:
Rising Grade for 25-26 school year:
School attending in the fall?
Do we have permission to add you and your student to GroupMe? This is necessary to receive communications from the coaching staff. YesNo
Are you interested in joining the coaching or administrative staff? YesNo
Would you like to be considered for Team Mom? YesNoMaybe
Your student needs a physical done in 2025. This needs to be completed by March 15th for flag. I understandIโm unable to get my child a physical and want a member of the staff to reach out.
Physical defects if any? Allergies, medical limitations, etc.:
Flag Football’s Registration Fee: $125 Yes I understand
Tackle Football Registration Payment: I would like a coach to reach out to me about paying online via Zelle, Cash App, etcI will be paying at a walk-up registration (March, April, May & June)I need to speak to someone about payment options
Fundraising for the season has already been planned out and we are open to more options to gather funds. We need the support of the whole organization to do wonderful things for our boys. There will be a parent contract detailing this out. Yes I will participate in fundraising this year.
The following items are not included in registration and are the responsibility of the parents for the 2025 season:
Shoulder Pads
Padded Football Pants
I understandI will need to rent equipment from MYAA (an admin will reach out)I do not understand and will need someone to reach out to me
Conditioning will begin in the summer after flag football. This is crucial for your child to learn the game and be prepared for the start of the season in August. Appropriate work out attire is required. No jeans, crocs or slides allowed. Yes I understandNo, please reach out to explain more